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Wolfgang Schmid
82380 Peißenberg in oberbayerischen Landkreis Weilheim-Schongau
We manage a cattle and bull fattening farm with attached own butchery with grassland, arable farming and a biogas plant with 930 KW, which is feed with slurry/manure, grass-silage and corn.
For the past three months, we have been using Active NS in the biomass, with 20 g / m³ biomass. The biomass has since become more homogeneous and flowable. By upgrading and improving the biomass, we now have savings of 10 to 15% in the vegetable substrates, normally used in the biogas plant.
Bioenergie OEBELITZ
Franzburger Straße, 18461 Oebelitz
The biogas plant had for a long time great problems with a 1.5 m thick floating layer formation (due to a use of a lot of chicken manure) in the post-fermenter. Within a very short time, after the beginning with Active NS, we see a reduction and destroying of the floating layer. We do not notice any disadvantages and we continue to use Active NS regularly to avoid new layers of floating.